HOT SPRINGS NATIONAL PARK, Arkansas — Entries are now being accepted for the First Ever 19th Annual World’s Shortest St. Patrick’s Day Parade® to be held March 17, 2022, on 98-foot Bridge Street in historic downtown Hot Springs.
“We’re limiting entries to 40 again this time,” Visit Hot Springs CEO Steve Arrison said. “We’ve found that this is about the limit on the number of participating entries that we can handle safely.”
Entry forms are available HERE.
“We’re returning to the Full Monte parade this year after two abbreviated parades in 2020 and 2021,” he said. “We’ve lined up Cheech Marin as out celebrity grand marshal, and actor Danny Trejo has officially confirmed that he will be the official starter.
“We’ll have some extra special surprises announcements in the near future.”
The parade, which began in 2003, annually attracts upwards of 30,000 people to the city’s historic downtown district. The parade is immensely popular, with its insanely zany collection of marchers, strutters, dancers, waddlers and floats that cover the 98-foot length of Bridge Street, the World’s Shortest Street in Everyday Use, according to Ripley’s Believe It or Not.
For more information call Steve Arrison at 501-321-2027.