Have a question about this event? Get all your St. Patrick's Day information right here!

Where is the best place to watch?

The official World's Shortest St. Patrick's Day Parade route is only the 98 feet of Bridge Street; however, Central Avenue & Malvern Avenue (both south of Bridge Street) are good places to see the parade as it travels to and from Bridge Street.

How long is the parade?

The official parade lasts a little over an hour; however, the fun and measuring of the World's Shortest St. Patrick's Day Parade route begins about an hour before the parade itself.

Can I bring a lawn chair to sit in during the parade?

No, lawn chairs are not allowed. Chairs around the barricades create obstructions and can be hazardous in the event of an emergency.

Is wearing green required?

Really?! Do you like to be pinched?

Where can we get something to eat and drink?

There are many restaurants within walking distance of the World's Shortest St. Patrick's Day Parade route. There are also vendors outside selling food and beverages. Some are even selling GREEN BEER!

Is beer allowed outside of restaurants?

Only in designated areas.  There will be security monitoring those areas. Look for the guys in orange vests; they will stand out in the sea of green.

What happens if it rains?

The show will go on! If there is any type of severe weather warnings the parade may be postponed for a few minutes, but those announcements will be made at the World's Shortest St. Patrick's Day Parade route as needed.

If it rains can I bring an umbrella?

Please do not bring umbrellas; they block the view of those around you. Not to mention those little pointy things can be quite dangerous! Also please do not bring signs; we want everyone to be able to see the World’s Shortest Parade.

Can I bring my kids?

Of course, the parade is always very entertaining for the little ones! There are many floats that will throw beads, candy and other treats…remind your children not to cross the barricades.  There are many vehicles and drivers that may not be able to see little ones darting out to grab a piece of candy.

Where are there public restrooms?

There are portable toilets around the parade in public areas. Ask an usher or security person if you are unable to find them.

What other events accompany the World’s Shortest St. Patrick’s Day Parade?

Glad you asked! Before the parade begins, there will be a Blarney Stone Kissing Contest; if you can romance the stone better than the others, you could win $100 cash! Also, following the parade there will be a street dance with a live band. The band is TBA.

How can I get a float in the parade?

Check out the link on the top of this page for the application and be creative! The committee looks over every entry very carefully watching out for the most original & festive entries. They like the entries that represent the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day, so if you have a group of walkers make sure and give a good description of costumes and the theme of your group! There are only 40 entries accepted and there is a deadline.


I am Miss Turnip Blossom; can I be in the parade?

The World’s Shortest St. Patrick’s Day committee has received an official ruling from the governing World’s Largest Leprechaun, the wee ones, and St. Patrick himself that the only Miss, Mrs, Ms, Little Miss, Jr. Miss, or Misfit that may appear in the parade is Miss Arkansas.

For more St. Patrick's Day information regarding the parade, contact the Hot Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau.